Acer AN1600 F1 Network Storage System Specifications
Memory Support Specification
Maximum: 192 GB (16 GBx12 DIMMs)
ECC, Mirroring, Sparing, Lockstep Mode, x4/x8 SDDC
Note: Mixing of registered memory and unbuffered ECC memory is not supported
16 GB memory modules available by special request only
Memory Population
The systems have twelve DIMM slots. Each CPU controls six slots. The DIMM slots support DDR3-1333
registered ECC memory modules.
Each CPU has three memory channels (channel 1, 2 and 3)
Each channel has 2 slots
The socket furthest from the CPU is socket A (P1DIMM1A, P1DIMM2A, P1DIMM3A in blue color), while
the nearest is socket B (P1DIMM1B, P1DIMM2B, P1DIMM3B in black). For all memory modes, socket A
in each channel needs to be populated first. If socket A is empty, socket B cannot be used. It is
recommended that the higher rank and largest capacity DIMM be installed in slot A.
For the system to function properly, DIMM modules must be installed following the slot sequence listed
below. DIMM modules of the same type, size and manufacturer must be installed in the same DIMM
colored slots.
CPU 1 – populate DIMM slot P1DIMM1A first, followed by slots P1DIMM2A, P1DIMM3A, P1DIMM1B,
CPU 2 – populate DIMM slot P2DIMM1A first, followed by slots P2DIMM2A, P2DIMM3A, P2DIMM1B,
DIMM slot notation illustrated in table below: