
ASM 7.0 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
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Acer Confidential
ANSWER: Yes, but this power control feature is only fully supported when the managed servers have BMC.
Please refer to below table for detail.
Power On Power Off Reboot
BMC Yes Yes Yes
No No
ASM 7.0 Agent No Yes
NOTE 1: The managed server and ASM 7.0 Administrator Console need to be located at the same network
segment (subnet).
NOTE 2: ASM 7.0 Agent is only working when OS is running.
ASM 7.0 can automatically select a workable path (through Agent, BMC, or Wake On LAN) to perform
power control on managed servers. The action is transparent for users.
2. How does ASM 7.0 remote power on Altos G310 Mk2?
ANSWER: For G310Mk2, ASM 7.0 could remote power on the system through WOL (Wake-On-LAN)
feature provided by NIC.
3. What is “Show console redirection window” feature in Power options?
ANSWER: This is SOL (Serial Over LAN) feature of IPMI 2.0. A console redirection window can display the
server's boot information during POST. You can use the console redirection window to pause the boot
process and change BIOS settings on the managed server.
But this SOL function is only supported for IPMI 2.0 based system. Currently, the ASM 7.0 supported Altos
servers (i.e. Altos G310 Mk2, G320, G530, G5350 and R510 Mk2) do not feature IPMI 2.0 technology.
4. How do I remotely power control the server?
a. Install ASM 7.0 Administrator Console on a console system
b. Add the managed servers into “My computers” of ASM 7.0 Administrator Console.
c. In “My computers”, select the managed server and then click “power control” button in the toolbar
5. I use ASM 7.0 to remote power on Altos G530, but it does not start up.
ANSWER: Altos G530 can only be remotely powered on through WOL (Wake On LAN).
For Intel gigabit, no setting is required. But for Marvell gigabit, please make sure below “Wake From
Shutdown” is enabled at driver level.