Adjusting Existing Category 5 Cabling to Run 1000BASE-T
If your existing Category 5 installation does not meet one of the test parameters for
1000BASE-T, there are basically three measures that can be applied to try and
correct the problem:
1. Replace any Category 5 patch cables with high-performance Category 5e
2. Reduce the number of connectors used in the link.
3. Reconnect some of the connectors in the link.
RJ-21 Port Pin Assignments
The PBX/MDF connector is designed to aggregate 24 POTS/ISDN ports. Each wire
pair must be attached to the RJ-21 connector in a specific orientation detailed below.
The following tables shows the pin assignments.
The VDSL Line connector is designed to aggregate 24 VDSL ports. The following
table shows the pin assignments.
Pins Circuit Pins Circuit Pins Circuit Pins Circuit
1,26 1,Ring/Tip 7,32 7,Ring/Tip 13,38 13,Ring/Tip 19,44 19,Ring/Tip
2,27 2,Ring/Tip 8,33 8,Ring/Tip 14,39 14,Ring/Tip 20,45 20,Ring/Tip
3,28 3,Ring/Tip 9,34 9,Ring/Tip 15,40 15,Ring/Tip 21,46 21,Ring/Tip
4,29 4,Ring/Tip 10,35 10,Ring/Tip 16,41 16,Ring/Tip 22,47 22,Ring/Tip
5,30 5,Ring/Tip 11,36 11,Ring/Tip 17,42 17,Ring/Tip 23,48 23,Ring/Tip
6,31 6,Ring/Tip 12,37 12,Ring/Tip 18,43 18,Ring/Tip 24,49 24,Ring/Tip
Pins Circuit Pins Circuit Pins Circuit Pins Circuit
1,26 Port 1 7,32 Port 7 13,38 Port 13 19,44 Port 19
2,27 Port 2 8,33 Port 8 14,39 Port 14 20,45 Port 20
3,28 Port 3 9,34 Port 9 15,40 Port 15 21,46 Port 21
4,29 Port 4 10,35 Port 10 16,41 Port 16 22,47 Port 22
5,30 Port 5 11,36 Port 11 17,42 Port 17 23,48 Port 23
6,31 Port 6 12,37 Port 12 18,43 Port 18 24,49 Port 24
50 26