Basic Configuration
CLI – This example configures the switch to operate as an NTP client and then
displays the current settings.
Setting the Time Zone
SNTP uses Coordinated Universal Time (or UTC, formerly Greenwich Mean Time,
or GMT) based on the time at the Earth’s prime meridian, zero degrees longitude,
which passes through Greenwich, England. To display a time corresponding to your
local time, you must indicate the number of hours and minutes your time zone is
east (before) or west (after) of UTC. You can choose one of the 80 predefined time
zone definitions, or your can manually configure the parameters for your local time
Command Attributes
• Predefined Configuration – A drop-down box provides access to the 80
predefined time zone configurations. Each choice indicates it’s offset from UTC
and lists at least one major city or location covered by the time zone.
• User-defined Configuration – Allows the user to define all parameters of the local
time zone.
• Direction: Configures the time zone to be before (east) or after (west) UTC.
• Name – Assigns a name to the time zone. (Range: 1-29 characters)
• Hours (0-13) – The number of hours before/after UTC. The maximum value before
UTC is 12. The maximum value after UTC is 13.
• Minutes (0-59) – The number of minutes before/after UTC.
Console(config)#ntp authentication-key 19 md5 thisiskey19 4-71
Console(config)#ntp authentication-key 30 md5 ntpkey30
Console(config)#ntp server 4-69
Console(config)#ntp server
Console(config)#ntp server version 2
Console(config)#ntp server version 3 key 19
Console(config)#ntp poll 60 4-70
Console(config)#ntp client 4-68
Console(config)#ntp authenticate 4-70
Console#show ntp 4-72
Current time: Jan 1 02:58:58 2001
Poll interval: 60
Current mode: unicast
NTP status : Enabled NTP Authenticate status : Enabled
Last Update NTP Server: Port: 0
Last Update time: Dec 31 00:00:00 2000 UTC
NTP Server version 3
NTP Server version 3
NTP Server version 2
NTP Server version 3 key 19
NTP Authentication-Key 19 md5 Q33O16Q6338241J022S29Q731K7 7
NTP Authentication-Key 30 md5 D2V8777I51K1132K3552L26R6141O4 7