Print Server User’s Guide
SMBGroupName SMB Group Name.
SMBdropJob Do you want to drop the job when printer is out of paper?.
SMBDelayInterval SMB Delay Interval.
PSStatus group
Object Description
SystemInfo This field contains the system information, including the
F/W version, hardware address and current protocol status
PrinterStatus This field shows the current Printer Status.
PrinterInfo Displays the device ID for each of the supported ports.
Object Description
IPXPrintJobServiced Number of NetWare jobs serviced.
IPXBytesServiced Number of NetWare data bytes serviced.
IPXEtherIIPacketReceived Number of IPX packets received of EthernetII frame type.
IPX8022PacketReceived Number of IPX packets received of Ethernet 802.2 frame
IPX8023PacketReceived Number of IPX packets received of Ethernet 802.3 frame
IPXSnapPacketReceived Number of IPX packets received of Ethernet 802.2 SNAP
frame type.
IPXEtherIIPacketSend Number of IPX packets sent of EthernetII frame type.
IPX8022PacketSend Number of IPX packets sent of Ethernet 802.2 frame type.
IPX8023PacketSend Number of IPX packets sent of Ethernet 802.3 frame type.
IPXSnapPacketSend Number of IPX packets sent of Ethernet 802.2 SNAP frame
Object Description
APPrintJobServiced Number of AppleTalk jobs serviced.
APBytesServiced Number of AppleTalk bytes serviced
APPacketReceived Number of packets received by AppleTalk.
APPacketSend Number of packets sent by AppleTalk.
Object Description
IPPrintJobServiced Number of TCP/IP Jobs serviced.
IPBytesServiced Number of TCP/IP bytes serviced.
IPPacketReceived Number of packets received by TCP/IP.
IPPacketSend Number of packets sent by TCP/IP.
PSControl group
Object Description
ResetPrinterServer Reset (reboot) the device.
RestoreFactoryDefault Restore the factory default settings.
ResetStatistics Set the statistics counter back to zero.
PSSerialConfig group
Object Description
SerialBaudrate Serial port baud rate (bps)
SerialStopBits Serial port stop bits.