Advanced Reference GuideEtherHub 1500 System
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Configuring Port Parameters - Use the Port command from the Control menu
to configure the ports for any hub in the stack. (Select the required hub using
the <F4> and <F5> function keys.) This menu provides a brief description of
the selected hub, and also allows you to enable/disable any port in the
selected hub.
Field Description
Hub ID Hub identifier within the stack.
Position The physical position in the stack.
Port Identifier Numeric identifier 1~16 or ALT.
Name User-defined name for selected port.
Type Connection types include 10BASE-T (RJ-45), BNC, AUI or FIBER.
Status Any port may ENABLED or DISABLED.
Part Indicates if the port is partitioned.
Link State Indicates if the port has a valid connection to an external device.
Defining Backup Ports - Use the Backup Port command in the Control Menu to
define up to three master/slave port pairs. If the connection to the master port
fails, the slave port will automatically take over.
Field Description
Backup Set Defines up to three backup port pairs; each of which can be set to
Master Port Pair member serving as the primary link.
Hub Hub ID for the master port.
Port Port identifier for the master port.
Field Description (continued)
Slave Port Pair member serving as the backup link.
Hub Hub ID for the slave port.
Port Port identifier for the slave port.
Setting the External Configure Buttons - Use the Push Button command in
the Control Menu to disable or enable the Configure button on any hub.
Performance Menu
Displays statistics for the System (entire stack), selected Segment, selected
Hub, or all Ports on a specified hub. (Select any segment or hub using the
<F4> and <F5> function keys.)
Menu Description
Frames Number of frames passing through this device.
Bytes Number of bytes passing through this device.
Collisions Number of simultaneous node transmissions detected by this device.
Allignment Errors Number of mis-synchronized data packets detected by this device.
CRC Errors Number of Ethernet Cyclic Redundancy Check errors detected by this
Total Errors Total number of errors, including FCS, allignment, Frames Too Long,
Short Events, Late Events, Jabber, and Data Rate Mismatches
detected on this device.
1: The values displayed have been accumulated since the last system reboot or counter reset.