EtherHub 1500 System User’s Guide
Hardware Description 2-7
Color: Yellow
Label: Alert
Function: Indicates hardware or hub ID setting problems
LED Activity Condition Indication
BLINKING LIGHT ON Hardware or hub ID setting error has occurred.
NO LIGHT OFF No abnormal occurence.
The Alert LED indicates that the device has encountered a problem
in one or more hardware components (e.g., EEPROM checksum
error, or Configure button is locked). However, the unit can still
function even if the Alert LED is on. It is also used as a diagnostic
test LED. Refer to the section on
Diagnostic Test LED Indicators
later in this chapter for more information.
Label (%) Color Function
1% 5% 15% Green Indicates percentage
30% Amber (yellow) utilization of LAN bandwidth.
65+% Red
The Utilization LEDs indicate the percentage of network
bandwidth used by valid data. The hub updates this display
every 0.5 seconds.
There are 5 LEDs representing the percentage of network
utilization. The corresponding LEDs light to show that the
percentage utilization of LAN bandwidth has reached this level.
When active, these LEDs look like a stereo’s equalizer display.
For example, if network utilization reaches 1%, the LED
labeled 1% will light. However, if network utilization rises
above 1% (e.g., 30%), the LED labeled 30 and all the other
LEDs before it (i.e., 1, 5, and 15) will light in rapid succession.