12.2 SECUR ET – VMY Yoke Bracket
The VMY is an adjustable yoke bracket (available in both black and white), allowing the user to fly the
Tannoy V300 loudspeaker in either portrait or landscape orientations using the same bracket (Figures
1 & 2).
The Tannoy V300 loudspeaker is attached to the bracket using the M10 bolts and washers supplied
in the accessory pack.
Only the screws, fasteners, shakeproof and plain washers specified on figure 3. should be
used to assemble the VMY bracket
Pivot studs (Figure 3.) (Supplied with the VMY) are attached to the cabinet using the M10 bolts
supplied. These bolts locate on the M10 inserts in the cabinet. The VMY adjustable yoke bracket
then connects to the centre of these mounting plates (using the M10 screws supplied). These
bracket pick up points which are in line with the bracket’s axis of rotation, are also positioned on the
centre of gravity of the V300 in both orientations to allow easy adjustment for optimum coverage.
The vertical distance between the apex of the VMY and the top of the Tannoy V300 loudspeaker can
be adjusted by connecting to varying mounting points on the bracket allowing varying degrees of
vertical rotation. The top centre fixing hole of the VMY then provides a pick up point for a variety of
Tannoy Professional hardware accessories including the VMB wall mounting plate (shown in Figure
2.), the VCS ceiling saddle, and the VPC pole clamp.
Use the table of parts along with the assembly drawing (Figure 3.) to assemble the VMY.
Figure 4 shows the VMY assembled.
Fig.1 Fig. 2