Integration in Tivoli NetView 11
Before you start installing the “ServerView Integration in NetView” integration
package, please make sure that you read all the installation requirements in this
If you want to install the integration package in a NetView client/server
environment, proceed as follows:
1. ServerView Integration in NetView must be first installed on the NetView
2. If you need the functionality of the integration package on a NetView client,
you can then install the package on that client.
3.1 Hardware Requirements for All Systems
On your system, at least 2 MB of free disk space must be available in the global
directory structure of NetView.
3.2 Software Requirements for Windows NT
The software on the system must meet the following requirements:
– Windows 2000 (with Service Pack 1 or higher), Windows 2003 or Windows
XP must be installed as the operating system.
– NetView V7.1 or higher must be installed in single, client or server mode.
– In NetView, two free contiguous event numbers in the range 1001 to 1999
must be available in the "NetView" enterprise.
I Note that the installation of the ServerView V3.x software must occur
before the installation NetView V7.1 if both management programs are
to be run on the same system.
I The installation and every call to the ServerView application activates the
SNMP Trap Service on the system, which uses port 162. Since port 162
is also used by the NetView daemons, you should stop and disable the
SNMP Trap Service manually (via the Services in the Control Panel)
before starting the NetView daemon.