logo −> ICMP 236/922
105.00 104.00 −> UDP 255/976
33.93 33.50 −> TCP 983/680
25.67 0.16 −> TCP 984/681
30.24 15.83
The Active Map is the IP Address:Port (if applicable) Internal to External address translation
and is read in the same format as the display for the NAT Map Database. The Remote is the
location on the External Network/Internet communicating with the workstation or router in
the Internal NAT Network. The Proto is the protocol the session is translating. Current values
for this column are ICMP, UDP, TCP, GRE, OSPF, EGP, ESP, AH, BLAST, or the actual
number of the other IP protocols. The hashes are used by the software to store and locate the
translation sessions in the NAT software's internal database. The Time Since: Created, and
Last Activity display the time, in seconds, since the session was created and the last time it
was used to translate an IP packet, respectively.
The show nat statistics command displays the total number of NAT Sessions created since
the router was last booted with the NAT functionality enabled, and the current status of the
NAT Sessions.
Nat_2220> show nat statistics
Total Sessions: 38
Filtered: 0
Currently Active: 0
Properly Removed: 33
Sessions Timed Out: 5
SYN Timeouts: 0
FIN Timeouts: 0
Inactivity: 5
Sessions Reset: 2
Invalid Cache: 0
No Resources: 0
Stale ACK: 0
Total Sessions is the total number of NAT Sessions created to translate IP packets since the
router was last booted.
Filtered is not yet defined.
Currently Active is the number of packets presently being used by the router to translate
packets. This should be displayed in response to the command show nat sessions (described
earlier) if these sessions have not been ended/removed from the NAT hash database by the
software in the meantime.
Properly Removed is the number of sessions removed from the NAT Session database as a
result of FIN and ACK packets being exchanged between the workstation/router on the NAT
Network and the workstation/router on the Internet. The IP session is terminated and the NAT
Session doing the address translation is likewise removed from the NAT hash database.