ping The ping User EXEC mode command sends ICMP echo request packets
to another node on the network.
ping {ip-address | hostname}[size packet_size] [count packet_count]
[timeout time_out]
■ ip-address — IP address to ping.
■ hostname — Host name to ping. (Range: 1-158 characters)
■ packet_size — Number of bytes in a packet. The actual packet size is
eight bytes larger than the specified size specified because the device
adds header information. (Range: 56-1472 bytes)
■ packet_count — Number of packets to send. If 0 is entered, it pings
until stopped. (Range: 0-65535 packets)
■ time_out — Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply. (Range:
50-65535 milliseconds)
Default Configuration
Default packet size is 56 bytes.
Default number of packets to send is 4.
Default timeout value is 2000 milliseconds.
Command Mode
User EXEC mode
User Guidelines
Press Esc to stop pinging.