Enter the Boot ROM password, if there is one, and press Enter. The Boot menu
Boot Menu:
1: Download application program with XMODEM
2: Download application program with TFTP
3: Clear application password
4: Clear configuration
5: Start up and ignore console configuration
6: Download Boot ROM ALL with XMODEM
7: Restore Boot ROM from FLASH
8: Backup Boot ROM from FLASH
9: Exit and reboot
Enter your choice(1-9):
The Boot menu provides two methods for upgrading the applications. See
“Downloading Applications with the Xmodem Protocol” on page 38 and
“Downloading Applications with the TFTP Protocol” on page 40.
CAUTION: When you upgrade application programs, verify and match the version
of the Boot ROM software to the version of the main software.
Applications with the
Xmodem Protocol
If you download software applications using the Xmodem protocol, you can use
the console port.
Use the following process to download applications with the Xmodem protocol:
1 Enter the Boot menu.
2 Press 1 to select the Download application program with Xmodem. The router
provides the following download speed options:
Downloading application program from serial ...
Please choose your download speed:
1: 9600 bps
2: 19200 bps
3: 38400 bps
4: 57600 bps
5: 115200 bps
6: Exit and reboot
Enter your choice(1-6):
3 Select the appropriate download speed. The router displays information based on
your selection, for example:
Download speed is 115200 bps. Change the terminal's speed to 115200
bps, and select Xmodem protocol. Press ENTER key when ready.
4 Change the baud rate at the console terminal to make it consistent with your
selection in Step 3.
To allow the new baud rate to take effect, you must disconnect the terminal and
reconnect it.
5 Press Enter to begin the download. The system displays the following prompt:
Downloading ... CCCCC
6 Select Transmit/Send file in the terminal window.