Interface view
token-number: The number of sending tokens, in the range from 1 to 50.
Using the qmtoken command, you can configure the number of QoS sending tokens.
Using the undo qmtoken command, you can disable the sending token function of
By default, disable QoS sending token function.
In such operation as FTP transmission, QoS queue may become invalid since the
upper layer provides flow control function. QoS sending token function provides a
kind of traffic control mechanism for the lower layer queue, and the number of packets
sent to the lower layer interface queue can be controlled according to the number of
In normal conditions, it is suggested to set the number of sending tokens to 1 during
FTP transmission.
After this command is configured, you need to restart the interface with the shutdown / undo shutdown
function. Only after that can QoS sending token function take effect.
Set the number of QoS sending tokens to 1.
[3Com-Ethernet0] qmtoken 1
1.21 qos apply policy
qos apply policy [ inbound | outbound ] policy-name
undo qos apply policy [ inbound | outbound ]
3Com Router Command Reference Guide Addendum for V1.2