Questions & Answers
with Sproutman
Dear Sproutman: My sprinkler does not spin.
First of all, the sprinkler does not need to
spin order for the sprouts to get watered. e black
trays are designed to spread the water evenly to
all sprouts. at being said, if there is an obstruc-
tion somewhere that reduces the water ow to the
sprinkler, there won’t be enough water pressure for
it to spin. (See also next question.) I recommend
you rst test the sprouter with only the water barrel
and the green water pressure tube. Make sure there
is a strong fountain coming out of the tube. Once you achieve the fountain,
replace the sprouter barrel on top of the water barrel and insert the green
water tube. Observe the ow of water without the sprinkler head. If the ow
is good, then add on the sprinkler. If it still does not spin, something may
be clogging your sprinkler. Change to your secondary sprinkler head. Clean
the rst sprinkler head to remove any obstructions. (See p. 10) Also sprinkler
heads can experience wear and tear and should be replaced if the water is no
longer spraying evenly from its holes.
Dear Sproutman: I am growing two sprout barrels, and they are
growing ne, but my sprinkler won’t spin.
is is not surprising. First of all, make sure that the opening of the
water pressure tube is closed. e water has to travel two stories high and the
longer trip reduces the water pressure. You may have had spinning before,
but how well you make the connections from barrel to barrel and from tube
to tube aects water ow. Also, (see above) use a pin to clear any obstructions
in the sprinkler head. Check your sprinkler. It’s just a law of physics. e
sprinkler head must spray evenly from all holes in order for it to spin. If your
sprinkler head has gotten hurt and is spraying unevenly, replace it with your
backup sprinkler. Usually, that solves the problem. Also, check and clean the
green tubes and adjust the water pressure (see p. 10). Remember, it does not
have to spin to grow a beautiful crop.
Steve Meyerowitz, “Sproutman”