Using the TDS2MEM Storage Memory and Communications Module
4 TDS2MEM User Manual
250 oscilloscope setting (.set) files (see Saving Oscilloscope
Settings on page 8)
18 waveform (.csv) files (see Saving Waveform Files on page 9)
File Management Conventions
The oscilloscope checks for available space on the CompactFlash
card before writing files, and displays a warning message if there
is not enough memory for the files you are writing.
The term folder as used in this manual refers to a directory location
on the CF card.
The default file save or recall location is the current folder.
The root folder is A:\.
The oscilloscope resets the current folder to A:\ when powering on
the instrument, or when inserting a CF card after the oscilloscope
is powered on.
File names can have one to eight characters, followed by a period,
followed with an extension of one to three characters.
Long file names created on PC operating systems are displayed
using the operating system's shortened file name.
File names are upper case.