Planar PS4660T Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

PS4660T and PS5560T RS232 Codes User Manual 1
RS232 Codes
RS232 control is not necessary for operation, but is a convenient way to control
displays from a computer at a distance. Most things you can do with the remote, you
can do with RS232 commands. Plus, you can send inquiries to the displays and find
out the current settings and values.
1 RS232 Command Format
STX (1 byte) + IDT (1byte) + Type (1byte) + CMD (3bytes) + [Value/Reply (1byte)] +
ETX (1 byte)
STX: Start byte = 07
IDT: 00 (Hex Num) for broadcast mode (no announcing, only for video wall),
01~19 (Hex Num) for single control mode.
Type: Read or Write command, 01: read/action, 02: write; 00: return to host (from
CMD: As shown in the table on the following pages
Value: Setting Value of Write Command
Reply: Return Value of monitor
ETX: End byte = 08
Transmit from PC (Host)
Read/Action command: 07 IDT 01 CMD 08 (7bytes)
Write/Setting command: 07 IDT 02 CMD VAL 08 (8 bytes)
Return from Monitor: Return CMD is the same with received CMD, the return
command will be sent after action. In broadcast mode, no return will be sent.
Return command: 07 IDT 00 CMD REP 08 (8 bytes)
2 Serial Port Setting
Note: Baud rate can be set to 115200, 38400, 19200 or 9600 to match the monitor baud rate
setting. 19200 is the default baud rate setting.
Baud Rate Data Bit Parity Bit Stop Bit
19200 8 None 1