Get Items from Item Boxes
Using Items
Drive through the item boxes on the tracks to get
the items contained within. The item inside is
determined randomly.
If you already have an item, you
can’t get another one until you use
the first. However, as shown on the
right, some items can be prepped
for deployment, allowing you to
get a second item without actually
using up the first.
Deploying and holding an
item toward the rear of your
kart has a shielding effect
that protects you from some
opponents' items. Release
the button to drop the item
behind you.
Running over an item
that has been dropped
on the track will have
the same effect as using
or getting hit by the
Rotating Triple Shells
Triple Bananas
Press and hold or to deploy
an item without using it.
If you spin out or get knocked over, you
may drop your items.
=Items that can be dragged behind you.
Makes karts spin out when run over.
Triple Bananas
Red Shell
Green Shell
Spiny Shell
Fake Item Box
Triple Green Shells
Triple Red Shells
Press or to deploy behind you. Tap the button again to drop one.
When thrown, this shell travels in a straight line and knocks over the first kart it hits.
These automatically lock onto and chase after the next kart in front of you. When hit,
the kart rolls over.
Press or to deploy, then press the button again to launch a shell.
Each one has the same effect as a single Green or Red Shell.
This shell tracks and chases after the lead kart and blows up when it reaches its
target. Any kart in the blast radius will be knocked over or spun around.
Looks just like an item box, but when you run into it, it knocks you over.
Explodes after a brief pause or when another kart comes near it. Any kart in the
blast radius will be knocked over or spun around.