Microsoft Blinx The Time Sweeper for Xbox Video Games User Manual

Time Crystals
When a glitch occurs in the making of time, precious seconds
can condense into solid form. Such glitches appear as crystal-
line hearts, crosses, triangles, moons, diamonds, and stars.
Collect four of these time crystals to make a combination.
Correct time crystal combinations give you the power to
change the  ow of time, or a RETRY. Incorrect crystal
combinations vanish.
Collect only time crystals that build toward a valid combina-
tion. Sweeping up all time crystals you  nd does not make
many valid combinations.
The order that crystals are collected is not important,
only their number, shape, and color. Collecting three of a
kind plus any one other crystal gives you the use of a time
control. The time control you get matches the color of the
three crystals collected. For example, if you collect three
blue moons and a red heart, you get one use of the blue time
control, PAUSE.
Collecting four of a kind gives you
uses of a time control.
Get extra RETRYs (up to your limit) by collecting red hearts.
Collecting three red hearts plus any other time crystal gives
one RETRY. Collecting four red hearts gives
For a complete
list of all correct
time crystal
combinations, see
the back cover.
Time Controls
(Rewind) Time  ows rapidly backward for
everyone except you.
(Fast forward) Time  ows rapidly forward.
Everything stops except you.
(Record) An interval of time is recorded and then
played back. During playback, a copy of yourself
repeats what you just did.
Time slows to a crawl for everything but you.
Gold crystals are often confused with time
crystals, though they are not the same. You
collect gold crystals to earn money. They do
not help or hinder in making valid
time control combinations.
Time sweepers in the  eld have
also reported strange cat-shaped
icons, whose purpose as yet
remains unknown.