Entirely custom-built, the Flailgun is a lethal tool that fires two high impact grenades linked by a steel chain.
This flail chain wraps around a target, rendering them completely helpless. The user can then detonate the
explosives whenever they like. Enemies or objects can be wrapped then kicked towards groups of enemies
and detonated for mass destruction. Charging the weapon will superheat the flail chain, turning it into a razor
that will slice through any enemy in its path.
The Boneduster is a custom-built quad-barreled shotgun. That’s right: four barrels for quadruple the fun.
At medium range, it will send enemies flying. Up close, it’s more than capable of tearing enemies in half.
Use the Boneduster’s charge shot to fire a burst of super-heated air that can vaporize the flesh from multiple
targets in a single shot.
The Head Hunter is a semi-automatic, high-powered rifle built for long-range sniping. Each round contains
a radio-controlled guidance device, allowing you to steer the bullet around obstacles to reach the target.
A charged shot fires a guided explosive round that can be used to grab the target and then steer them into
other enemies or environmental hazards before detonation.
This huge bazooka fires impact-resistant explosive rounds that can bounce off any surface, making even
the difficult to reach enemies into a potential target. The balls can be bounced along the ground, explode on
impact, or explode in mid-air. The Bouncer’s charge shot is a constantly bouncing explosive ball that can be
kicked and leashed around for maximum carnage.
The Penetrator is a heavy-duty industrial power tool modified into a deadly projectile weapon. It ejects
a high-velocity self-motorized drill bit that can impale enemies into any surface. Several targets can be
impaled with a single drill. In charged mode this weapon shoots a rocket-propelled drill that suspends an
enemy in mid-air, allowing them to be retargeted to any destination.
The Chaingun will shred almost any enemy to pieces in a fraction of a second. The huge rotating barrel
provides an extremely high rate of fire, but requires a lot of energy. Once the chaingun has been lifted from
its stand, the weapon’s in-built power source will only keep running a short time.
Bulletstorm™ is objective-based, and objectives briefly appear in the upper left-hand corner of the screen
before fading away. Use objectives to guide you as you progress through Bulletstorm.
Every kill earns points, but the more difficult or stylish the kill, the more you are rewarded. Skillshots give
you extra points on top of a standard kill, so skilled players can purchase weapons and upgrades at an
accelerated rate.
Skillshots are sorted based on how many points they award. Basic Skillshots are blue and are generally the
easiest to perform. Normal Skillshots are yellow. Finally, advanced Skillshots are red, and are often very
difficult to master.
View information on Skillshots by looking at the Skillshot Database in the Skillshots menu. Skillshots are an
integral part of gameplay, and if you don’t know how to properly perform them, then your time in battle will
be short. Consult the database when in need.
Engaging in physical attacks with enemies is an effective way to set up Skillshots or knock them into the
environment. Kicking an enemy knocks them straight backwards in slow motion, setting them up for further
attacks. In addition, sliding can be used to quickly get within melee distance of an enemy when leashing
isn’t practical.
The leash allows you to grab a distant enemy and yank them toward you. Once the enemy is dragged up
close, they are suspended briefly in slow motion so you can utilize your weapons or melee attacks. The leash
can even be used to setup complicated Skillshots, pull levers, yank down debris, or pull enemies directly into
environmental hazards.
By earning Skillpoints, the leash can be upgraded with the Thumper functionality. Utilizing it smashes the
ground, launching standard enemies into the air with extreme force. Larger opponents will be slammed to
the ground and stunned.
NOTE: In Multiplayer mode, once you use the leash, the blue meter displays the recharge time.
In-game military supply boxes are known as Dropkits. These are scattered throughout the world. If you see a
Dropkit, leash it to gain access to the Dropshop, Skillshot Database, and player stats.
The Dropshop is where you go to spend your skillpoints to buy ammunition and upgrades or unlock earned
weapons. Every upgrade makes you more deadly. Gain more powerful weapons. Perform increasingly lethal
Skillshots. Earn more points and keep your kill count rising. Check here often for new available upgrades!
Skillshot Database
View information on Skillshots by looking at the Skillshot Database in the Skillshots menu.
Player Statistics
Go here to view your statistics for killing with skill!
Resume Return to the game in progress.
Restart Checkpoint Restart the current level from the last checkpoint.
Restart Chapter Restart the current level from the beginning.
Options Change in-game options.
Change Difficulty Change your difficulty setting on the fly.
Exit to Main Menu Leave the game.