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Sword of Warrior
One player game. Hold one controller in your
hands vertically
Controller Operation:
• Directional keys = Move player
• A button = Attack
• Swing controller = Attack
• B button = Change attack mode
• Directional and A + B button = Special
• Fight your way through the opponents in the levels!
One player game, both controllers are required to
play this game. Hold controller 1 in your right hand
and controller 2 in your left hand, both vertically.
Controller Operation:
• Swing controllers = Accelerate
• Directional buttons = Breathe
• Tournament style play, choose the type of swimming you would like, freestyle,
buttery or breaststroke. Swing the controllers alternately for freestyle, or at the
same time for breaststroke. You can also choose the length of the race, either
100m, 200m, or 400m.
One player game, hold controller vertically.
Controller Operation:
• Flick controller = Throw snowball
• Down button = Duck
• Right/left buttons = Move left or right
• Try to avoid the other playes snowballs, duck behind snowbanks to avoid being
hit! Collect extra health and snowball upgrades, 6 rounds in total, win all the levels
to get a total high score.