Zig Zag crayon
Object: Move the crayon around the screen to collect as many crayon tips as
possible increasing the size of the original crayon.
1. The first screen shows the name of the game. Press the 'Select' button to choose the
number of players.
2. Using the directional disc, move the crayon top around the screen to collect as many
crayon tips as possible without hitting the wall, an eraser or itself. Once all crayon tips
have been collected, player will advance to next level. Player completes the full game after
3 levels.
As player advances, difficulty of game increases as more crayon tips and erasers are added.
4. Press “Select” button for pause and again to resume game.
5. Player has 3 chances to play represented by 3 crayon tips at the top of the screen. Player
loses one crayon tip each time it hits a wall, an eraser or itself. If player loses all 3 crayon
tips press “Start” to play again.
6. Points are based on the color of the new crayon tip collected compared to the color of the
previous tip collected. Crayon tip added same color as previous = 100 points, Crayon tip
added different color from previous = 300 points, Crayon tip added different color than
previous two = 500 points