Disney Interactive Studios NTR-YQNE-USA Video Games User Manual

Battle Moves:
There are 6 different types of Battle Moves, depending upon the
character chosen. Try different characters and see what Battles Moves
you can master!
Timer Start
Finish Path
Pillar Club
Sword Slash
Battle Move
Use your stylus to trace the path
from start to finish. Be careful to
not go too far off the path or the
Battle Move will end.
TIP: Trace the path quickly for
maximum damage!
Bow Battle Move
When the bow appears touch the middle
of the bow, then pull back to notch
an arrow. Aim the arrow towards the
targets by rotating around the bow.
Lift the stylus off the screen to release
an arrow in the direction of fire.
TIP: Hit the targets in the center
for maximum damage!
Bash Battle Move
When the Club appears grab it with
your stylus. When the target
appears directly below your club,
quickly flick the Club down,
smashing the club into the target.
TIP: Flick the club down quickly
for more damage!
Magic Battle
Watch the sequence of Magic Points
around the symbol. Wait for the points
to finish their sequence. Remember the
order the points light up. When
it’s your turn, touch the first point,
then drag your stylus to the next point.
When all points have been touched,
quickly draw clockwise circles
with your stylus to spin the
symbol and cast the spell.
Magic Points Magic Line
Bow Targets
Pull Back Direction of Fire
TIP: Spin the symbol quickly
for maximum damage!
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