Disney Interactive Studios NTR-YECE-USA Video Games User Manual

Making and Enhancing Dresses
Use the items Giselle collects to make
and enhance dresses. You can also mix
items together to create new objects.
Go to the Dressmaker menu in
Giselle’s room. You can choose
Make a Dress or Combine Materials.
Make a Dress
When you select Make a Dress, you’ll choose the dress you want to
create or enhance. The required ingredients will be displayed on the
upper screen. If you have all the ingredients you need, you’ll see the
mixing barrel.
Use the stylus to mix your ingredients in the mixing barrel in
the direction the swirling arrow is pointing. Be on your toes, it
will change directions when you least expect it. Once the mixing
is complete, you’ll see the nished dress and you can wear it in
the game.
Combine Materials
When you select Combine Materials,
the Touch Screen displays a list of
your ingredients. Select two types of
ingredients and the quantity of each.
Next you’ll see the mixing barrel. Use
the stylus to mix the ingredients in the
barrel. Once the mixing is complete,
you’ll nd out what you’ve created!
Animal Helpers
In both worlds, Giselle will make
new animal friends as she ventures
through the game. She can call on
these animals to help her at any time.
Use the stylus to tap the Animal icon
on the Touch Screen or press the
Y Button to summon an animal helper.
Some animals help Giselle by retrieving or activating objects. Others
can distract enemies or lure them away.