Disney Interactive Studios Bolt for Xbox 360 Video Games User Manual

Beware! There are lots of nasty villains who will try
to stop you from completing your missions.
Also watch out for these other hazards:
• Hoverbot – Beware of these mini helicopters.
• Laser Turret – Watch out for these lasers.
Grenade Launcher – Its grenades may bounce, but
they also explode with force.
Bouncing Betty Mine – Keep your eyes peeled for
these bouncing mines.
In some levels, you’ll have to hack into different
computer systems to continue on your mission.
These are virtual world minigames which the player is
required to complete in order to progress. These minigames
have their own HUD, pick-ups, and weapon upgrades.
The pick-ups include health and energy, as well as weapon
upgrades. Weapon upgrades include a bullet spreader,
which splits the single fire into a triple fire shot, and a
rapid fire upgrade which doubles the current fire rate.
These upgrades can also be mixed to enhance the effect.
For example, if you pick up a triple fire shot and then pick
up a rapid fire shot, you are now upgraded with a rapid fire
triple shot. There is also a “bomb” attack which is used by
pressing the
right trigger. This attack destroys all enemies
within a certain radius, but it also slows you down for a few
seconds and consumes all of your energy.
Game varies in amount of floors required to complete the
hack. Once all floors are cleared, the hack ends and you can
resume control of Penny.
Go to BoltVideoGame.com for more
tips, details and fun activites.
These are virtual world minigames which the player is
Disky – Avoid his sticking
bombs at all costs.
Starry – His ninja throwing
stars can cause
serious damage.
serious damage.
Bully – Careful of his whip
– he’s great with it.
Also watch out for these other hazards:
Proddy – Make sure to dodge
her spears.
to stop you from completing your missions.
Starry – His ninja throwing
Glovey – Watch out for
his swipe.
bombs at all costs.
Bully – Careful of his whip
Proddy – Make sure to dodge
bombs at all costs.
Starry – His ninja throwing
Glovey – Watch out for
Glovey – Watch out for
his swipe.
Stompy – Don’t get stomped by
his explosive boots.
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