Disney Alice in Wonderland
(Nintendo DS™)
Each level contains a number of collectibles to help you on your mission.
Recharge – Discover life gauge recharges, special powers, special moves and
power recharges after destroying enemies or objects.
Chests – Many levels contain chests in which you will find special upgrades or
meter recharges.
Map pieces – Use your abilities to discover map pieces hidden throughout the
Unique objects – Discover pieces of the Sacred Armor and the Vorpal Sword
that will help Alice fulfill her destiny. The pieces of armor are scattered
throughout Underland. The exact location of the sword will reveal itself in time.
Certain collectibles can upgrade your movement and fighting abilities.
Movement upgrade
Power in combat upgrade
White Rabbit
Double jump
Temporarily slow down the
movement of a soldier.
Stretch horizontally
or vertically to help
Alice across a gap
Temporarily levitate a
soldier then throw the
soldier onto the ground.
“Bounce” against a
wall to jump higher
Temporarily make a soldier
vanish during a fight.
Mad Hatter
Take Alice by the
hand and run very
fast for a short
Flatten red guards like a
sheet of paper!