Aurora Multimedia 4520CPR Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

Vanguard Multiport 4520CP Controller User’s Guide 6-3
The xxtrace Driver Tracing Utility
To clear a hung async port
1. Switch user to root:
system% su
Password: <root_password>
2. Run ps to get the process number for the program that has the port open: sys-
tem# ps
3. Use kill to remove the offending process:
system# kill -9 <process_number>
This should free up the port. If it doesn’t, the process may be defunct. Use the
appropriate procedure below to remove a defunct process from a port.
To clear a defunct process on port cua/8
1. Switch to the AURAase directory
system# cd /opt/AURAase
2. Use the mset command to clear the port.
system# ./mset cua/8 -flush
Never use the mset -flush command on a functioning port. Lost data
will result.
The xxtrace Driver Tracing Utility
If you are having problems with your Vanguard Multiport card, a service represen-
tative may ask you to take a trace of your problem. This section describes the steps
you take to get a driver trace.
xxtrace Command Summary
Table 9 contains a summary of the xxtrace commands.