Agilent Technologies Model 6674A: 3133A-00161 Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

130 Using Agilent 668xA Series Power Supplies in Autoparallel
The master current limit must be set above 44.4A /3.0508 = 14.55A to obtain any output current. For a no-load condition:
Master current =14.55A
Each slave current = -14.55A /2 = -7.28A
Iout = 0A
Note 2 All Agilent 668xA power supplies have an output current programmed at power-on. The default current
value programmed at power-on can be found in Table 3-1 of the Programming Guide (p/n 5960-5597).
See *RST and *SAV in the Programming Guide to change the power-on current value.
Note 3 A current programmed via the rear panel +Ip or -Ip inputs will be summed with the current programmed
via the front panel keypad or over the GPIB. When programming slave supplies via the rear panel +Ip or
-Ip inputs, all slave current programming values must be zero (0 ).
Figure F-1 Master/Slave Current Division