
4 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Preface: About This Guide
Chapter 7, “MAP”—MAP packs the logic defined by an NGD file into FPGA elements
such as CLBs, IOBs, and TBUFs.
Chapter 8, “Physical Design Rule Check”—The physical Design Rule Check (DRC)
comprises a series of tests run to discover physical errors in your design.
Chapter 9, “PAR”—PAR places and routes FPGA designs.
Chapter 10, “XPower”—XPower is a power and thermal analysis tool that generates
power and thermal estimates after the PAR or CPLDfit stage of the design.
Chapter 11, “PIN2UCF,”—PIN2UCF generates pin-locking constraints in a UCF file
by reading a a placed NCD file for FPGAs or GYD file for CPLDs.
Chapter 12, “TRACE”—Timing Reporter and Circuit Evaluator (TRACE) performs
static timing analysis of a physical design based on input timing constraints.
Chapter 13, “Speedprint”— Speedprint lists block delays for a specified device and its
speed grades.
Chapter 14, “BitGen”—BitGen creates a configuration bitstream for an FPGA design.
Chapter 15, “BSDLAnno”—BSDLAnno automatically modifies a BSDL file for post-
configuration interconnect testing.
Chapter 16, “PROMGen” —PROMGen converts a configuration bitstream (BIT) file
into a file that can be downloaded to a PROM. PROMGen also combines multiple BIT
files for use in a daisy chain of FPGA devices.
Chapter 17, “IBISWriter”—IBISWriter creates a list of pins used by the design, the
signals inside the device that connect those pins, and the IBIS buffer model that
applies to the IOB connected to the pins.
Chapter 18, “CPLDfit” —CPLDfit reads in an NGD file and fits the design into the
selected CPLD architecture.
Chapter 19, “TSIM” — TSIM formats an implemented CPLD design (VM6) into a
format usable by the NetGen timing simulation flow, which produces a back-
annotated timing file for simulation.
Chapter 20, “TAEngine” —TAEngine performs static timing analysis on a successfully
implemented Xilinx CPLD design (VM6).
Chapter 21, “Hprep6” —Hprep6 takes an implemented CPLD design (VM6) from
CPLDfit and generates a JEDEC (JED) programming file.
Chapter 22, “NetGen”—NetGen reads in applicable Xilinx implementation files,
extracts design data, and generates netlists that are used with supported third-party
simulation, equivalence checking, and static timing analysis tools.
Chapter 23, “XFLOW”—XFLOW automates the running of Xilinx implementation
and simulation flows.
Chapter 24, “Data2MEM”—Data2MEM transforms CPU execution code, or pure data,
into Block RAM initialization records.
“Appendix A”—This appendix gives an alphabetic listing of the files used by the
Xilinx Development System.
“Appendix B” —This appendix describes the netlist reader, EDIF2NGD, and how it
interacts with NGDBuild.