
24 Dealer Service
MAN0137 (9/14/01)
Assemble U-Joint
1. Place seals securely on bearing cups. Insert cup
into yoke from outside and press in with hand pres-
sure as far as possible.
2. Insert journal cross into bearing cup with grease
fitting away from the shaft. Be careful not to disturb
needle bearings.
3. Insert another bearing cup directly across from
first cup and press in as far as possible with hand
4. Trap cups in vise and apply pressure. Be sure
journal cross is started into bearings and continue
pressure with vise, squeezing in as far as possible.
Tap yoke to aid in process.
5. Seat cups by placing a drift or socket (slightly
smaller than the cup) on cup and rapping with a ham-
mer. See Figure 18.
6. Install snap ring and repeat on opposite cup.
7. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to install remaining cups in
remaining yoke.
8. Move both yokes in all directions to check for free
movement. Should movement be restricted, rap on
yokes sharply with a hammer to relieve any tension.
Repeat until both yokes move in all directions without
Figure 18
Read this complete section before starting any repair.
Many steps are dependent on each other.
Gearbox bearings, gears, and shafts have an interfer-
ence press fit. Gearbox repair is limited to seal, gas-
ket, and vent plug replacement.
Always maintain correct gear lube level in gearbox.
Be sure proper vent plug is installed.
Troubleshooting is an important part of gearbox main-
tenance. Check for leakage and bad bearings.
Leakage is a very serious problem and must be cor-
rected immediately or damage to gearbox and belt
will result. Remove gearbox from mower to repair
leakage problems.
Leakage may be caused by a vent plug not venting.
To check vent plug operation, remove plug and apply
low air pressure to opening in side of plug. Check to
make sure it is venting out of the top.
Operating gearbox with improper lube level may also
cause seals to leak. Also check for housing cracks. If
any of these conditions exist, correct them, clean area
where leakage was evident, return mower to service,
and check to make sure leakage has been stopped.
Bearing maladjustment or failure is indicated by noise
and excessive side and end play in gear shafts. If this
is indicated, replace the gearbox.