
Set the country
To select your country, press Country
Choose your country from the list.
The Country eld will be lled with the name of the chosen country.
Enter a post code
Instead of a city (Locality)you may enter a post code.
To enter a post code, press Post Code.
Enter the post code of the town/city (Locality) you are looking for.
Press the search icon (magnifying glass).
A hit list will be displayed.
Choose the appropriate town/city (Locality) from the list.
Search for the city (Locality)
To select a locality, press City.
Search for the locality, as described above.
A result list will be displayed.
Choose the appropriate town/city (locality) from the list.
You will return to the Find Address screen. The City eld is lled with the
name of the chosen town/city (Locality).