
223Car care
4-cyl engine: The expansion tank is trans-
parent to facilitate checking the coolant
When the engine is cold, the coolant must
not lie above the KALT/COLD mark on the
expansion tank (boundary between the
upper and lower sections of the tank, see
Top up with a mixture of equal parts of anti-
freeze and clean water. We recommend
that you use a Saab-approved anti-freeze.
If the expansion tank is empty when coolant
is added, run the engine until warm so that
the thermostat opens. Top up the tank
again, as necessary.
V6 engine: The expansion tank is not trans-
parent. The cap must be unscrewed so that
the coolant level can be checked. When the
cap is screwed off there are two level mark-
ings, MIN and MAX
Coolant expansion tank, V6 engine Level markings, V6 engine
Coolant expansion tank, 4-cyl engine
93U SM 06.book Page 223 Friday, February 18, 2005 1:15 PM