
RFL NCM RFL Electronics Inc.
November 6, 2007 8 (973) 334-3100
9. Select an unused time slot for the NCM using DIP switches SW2-1 through SW2-5. The NCM
uses one 64 Kbps digital time slot within the multiplexer’s aggregate rate. Set the time slot
using direct binary coding as shown in Table 4. Refer to the multiplexer manual for guidelines
on time slot selection.
Note that selecting an invalid time slot will disable the module. In T1 systems, only time slots 1
through 24 are allowed.
In E1 systems, time slots 1 through 31 are allowed, however, time slot 0 is reserved and cannot
be used. Time slot 16 is also reserved and cannot be used if CAS is enabled in E1.
10. Select Bus direction by using DIP switches SW2-6 and SW2-7.
Place SW2-6 in the DOWN position to transmit in the A direction and receive
from the B direction. Place SW2-6 in the UP position to disable transmit in the A
direction and receive from the B direction.
Place SW2-7 in the DOWN position to transmit in the B direction and receive from
the A direction. Place SW2-7 in the UP position to disable transmit in the B
direction and receive from the A direction.
11. Switches SW3, SW4 and SW5 are only used when the NCM module is in the NMS application
mode. In all other application modes these switch settings are ignored. Set Rotary Switches
SW3, SW4, and SW5 to the local CM address. SW3 sets the hundreds position, SW4 sets the
tens position, and SW5 sets the units position. The NCM supports CM addresses from 001 to
999. The “local CM address” must be set to the same address as the local Common Module
(CM3B, CM3C, CM3R, CM6B, or CM4).
12. Set DIP switches SW6-1, -2, and -3 to set the baud rate in accordance with Table 1. If the
system application mode is NMS, the baud rate must be set to the same baud rate as the local
common module. Otherwise, any baud rate can be used.
13. Set DIP switches SW6-4, -5, and -6 to set the parity in accordance with Table 1. If the system
application mode is NMS, the parity must be set to the same parity as the local common
module. Otherwise, any parity can be used.