
RFL NCM RFL Electronics Inc.
November 6, 2007 34 (973) 334-3100
1. Module Enable
The Module Enable box can be checked or unchecked.
For the NCM module to be In Service, check the Module Enable box.
For the NCM module to be Out Of Service, uncheck the Module Enable box.
2. Time Slot
The Time Slot can be set from 1-24 for T1 networks and from 1-31 for E1 networks. Click on the up or
down arrows to make the selection.
3. Mode
There are three basic types of network modes:
1. Broadcast mode
2. NMS mode
3. A combination of Master, D&I Slave and End Slave modes.
Each of these modes is described in the table below.
Mode Description
1 Broadcast In Broadcast mode each node transmits to and receives from all other nodes in the
network. Typically when Broadcast mode is used, all nodes in the network are set to
Broadcast mode. Refer to Figure 13a for more information.
2 NMS Typically when NMS mode is used, all nodes in the network are set to NMS mode. In
NMS mode each node transmits to all other nodes and each node selectively receives
messages from all other nodes in the network based upon addressing. In addition to
this, each node transmits its address to adjacent nodes during idle network time. Refer
to Figure 13b for more information.
3 Master Typically, when one of the nodes in a network is a master, the other nodes are slave
nodes. There are two types of slave nodes: D&I slave nodes and End slave nodes.
Refer to Figure 13c for a typical network using Master and Slave nodes. The Master
node transmits to all other nodes in the network.
4 D&I Slave The D&I slave node only receives from and transmits to the master node, and it also
allows messages from the master to pass through to all other slaves. It also allows
messages from other slaves to pass through to the master.
5 End Slave The End slave node only receives messages from and transmits messages to the
master node
4. E1 Signaling
E1 Signaling can be set to CCS or CAS. If this is a T1 network, the E1 Signaling setting is ignored. If
this is an E1 network, set the E1 Signaling to match the local E1 multiplexer setting. For example, if
the local E1 multiplexer is set to CCS, set the E1 Signaling to CCS. If the local E1 multiplexer is set to
CAS, set the E1 Signaling to CAS. This locks out the use of time slot 16 for CAS (channel associated