
RFL NCM RFL Electronics Inc.
November 6, 2007 4 (973) 334-3100
The MA-402I module adapter is shown in Figure 1. This module is a two-port RS-
232 I/O which has two 9-pin D-subminiature (DC-9) connectors on its rear panel.
Each of these 9-pin connectors is wired in a standard RS-232 configuration as
shown in the table at the bottom of the figure. Each connector is labeled to show
the corresponding port on the NCM module.
The MA-485 module adapter shown in Figure 2 supports both 2-wire and 4-wire
RS-485 applications. The 2-wire mode supports only half-duplex, and the 4-wire
mode supports both half and full duplex. The MA-485 is typically used for party-
line applications such as DNP and Modbus networking, or simple point-to-point
applications. This module has one 6-position removable terminal block on its rear
panel, which is wired in accordance with the table in Figure 2.
The MA-490 module adapter shown in Figure 3 is an RS-232/Telnet I/O module
adapter used for systems that have an RS-232 port which needs Telnet link
capability. This module has two RS-232 ports using DB9 connectors and one
Ethernet port using an RJ-45 jack on its rear panel. One of the RS-232 ports is the
Craft port and the other is the Data port. The Craft port is used to set up TCP/IP
parameters, and the Data port is used for communications. Refer to the tables in
Figure 3 for wiring information.
Make sure the module adapter you are installing is correct for the desired
application. Make sure the programmable jumpers on these modules are set to the
desired configuration, as applicable.
4. Insert the Module Adapter into the rear of the shelf directly behind the module slot where the
RFL NCM module will be installed. Secure the module with the screws provided.
5. Connect the Module Adapter to the user equipment using the connector pin assignments
detailed in Figures 1, 2, or 3 as applicable.
6. Refer to Figures 4 & 5, and Table 1 for the location of DIP switches on the NCM module.
7. Set the module address using DIP switches SW1-1 through SW1-6 for the desired remote
address (SCB address).
For remote access, each channel module in the IMUX 2000 must have a distinct
module address. Valid addresses are the numbers “1” to “36”. In most
installations the address will be set to the number of the slot the module is
occupying. Table 3 shows the switch settings for the module address. (Consult
your multiplexer manual for details on using the remote access and configuration
features of the system.)
8. In E1 systems, set DIP switch SW2-8 to enable or disable CAS (channel associated signaling).
In T1 systems, this switch setting is ignored.
Place SW2-8 in the UP position to disable CAS.
Place SW2-8 in the DOWN position to enable CAS.