
Dialog window
The dialog window shows questions and additional buttons for the answers.
Enter button
Enter button
Yes for one seam program.
All button
Yes for one or all marked seam programs.
Esc button
No for one or all marked seam programs.
Next button
No for one seam program.
Machine confi guration
With the MDAT-function the machine confi guration can be copied to/from SD-Card or can be
deleted on the SD-Card (fi lename: MDAT).
Format SD-Card
The Format-function formats the SD-Card.
If the SD-Card is not readable, it is new formatted. If the SD-Card is readable and the direc-
tory \P487 for the 487-machine exists then all seam programs and the machine confi guration
(MDAT) are deleted in this directory.
If the directory \P487 for the 487-machine does not exist, only the directory \P487 is created.
So all other fi les and directories on the SD-Card are not corrupted.
It is recommended to use SD-Cards with a maximum capacity of 2 GB.