
22 23
MTX 191 A,
Matrix amplifier
Catalog No.: 07331
AC 30, Adapter cable for connec-
tion of 2 AK ... with MTX 191 (A),
Catalog No.: 08418
WNS 120, Windscreen
for AK 20
Catalog No.: 08427
WJ-AK, Windjammer
for WKD-AK
Catalog No.: 08425
WJ-KM, Windjammer
for WKD-KM
Catalog No.: 08426
DA-AK, Elastic suspension
for two AK ...
Catalog No.: 08419
DA-KM, Elastic suspension
for two KM ...
Catalog No.: 08420
STH 120, Stereo mount
for AK 20 and e.g. AK40
Catalog No.: 08422
WKD-KM, Windscreen
for DA-KM
Catalog No.: 08424
WKD-AK, Windscreen
for DA-AK
Catalog No.: 08423
Special Accessories for AK 20 and Stereo-Applications
IC 3 mt, Microphone cable
Catalog No.: 06543
WS 100, Windscreen, 90 mm
Catalog No.: 06751
PS 10, Pop screen
Catalog No.: 07345
MA, Microphone fishpole
Catalog No.: 06771
Microphone cable
LC 3 KA, 5 m, Catalog No.: 08408
LC 3 KA, 10 m, Catalog No.: 08409
SR 100, Stand tube
Catalog No.: 07336 and
KA 100, Catalog No.: 07330
PS 20, Pop screen
Catalog No.: 07346
Application Hints
For recording situations where the microphone
must remain “invisible”.
KM 120
MS-Stereo microphone, as a combination of
the AK 20 with the AK 40 cardioid capsule or
another AK ...
Two crossed AK 20s in Blumlein technique
Inconspicuous spot microphone with optimum
attenuation of lateral sound sources
Single microphone for two speakers
facing each other
KM 130
Ideal as AB stereo pair in the diffuse sound field
because of the flat frequency response
As a main mic, especially for capturing room
For stereo recordings with a baffle plate
As a spot mic for piano, wind instruments,
organ, and choir
KM 131
For close miking of instruments when there
is no need to attenuate extraneous noise,
and in a balanced acoustic environment to
record acoustic guitar, wind instruments,
strings, percussion, and drums
Flat frequency response for close miking, spot mic
KM 140
Universal usage, especially in situations
when it is necessary to attenuate sound
coming from adjacent instruments
As XY and ORTF stereo pair
Announcer’s mic for broadcasting
Spot mic, overhead
Close miking of strings, wind instruments,
percussion, piano, Leslie speakers,
guitar amps
We recommend using an additional
windscreen to minimize the effects
of high wind velocity
KM 143
Polar response characteristic acts more
like an omni. Therefore, it is an ideal tool
to record larger instrument ensembles
As AB stereo pair, especially in rooms
with less than ideal acoustics
As spot mic for strings, wind instruments,
percussion, and Leslie speakers
Acts very neutral when used close up
to bass instruments, such as
double bass, bass amps, guitar amps
KM 145
It naturally compensates for proximity effect
Very neutral tonal balance during close miking
of speech, as in TV, movie and video, PA
Acts very neutral when used close up to bass
instruments, such as double bass, bass amps,
guitar amps, Leslie speakers, toms
KM 150
As XY stereo pair
Overhead, toms
In situations that are susceptible to acoustic
To attenuate unwanted sound of nearby
Recording of speech, as in TV, movie and
video productions, PA systems
Produces especially warm and bass
supporting sound for artists who perform in
proximity effect range
We recommend using an additional wind-
screen to minimize the effects of high wind
velocity, and plosive sounds
These are just some of the most common
applications. We recommend additional
experimentation to gain maximum use from
this microphone.
KA 100, Cable adapter
Catalog No.: 07330