
VXI-SC-1102/B/C User Manual G-4
National Instruments Corporation
logical address An 8-bit number that uniquely identifies each VXIbus device in a
system. It defines the A16 register addresses of a device, and indicates
Commander and Servant relationships.
LSB least significant bit
mainframe The chassis of a VXIbus system that mechanically contains VXI
modules inserted into the backplane, ensuring that connectors fit
properly and that adjacent modules do not contact each other. It also
provides cooling airflow, and ensures that modules do not disengage
from the backplane due to vibration or shock.
MB megabytes of memory
MIO multifunction I/O
MSB most significant bit
mux multiplexer—a switching device with multiple inputs that sequentially
connects each of its inputs to its output, typically at high speeds, in
order to measure several signals with a single analog input channel
NC not connected (signal)
noise an undesirable electrical signal—Noise comes from external sources
such as the AC power line, motors, generators, transformers,
fluorescent lights, soldering irons, CRT displays, computers, electrical
storms, welders, radio transmitters, and internal sources such as
semiconductors, resistors, and capacitors. Noise corrupts signals you
are trying to send or receive.