
Status Codes Appendix D
PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual D-4 © National Instruments Corporation
Table D-1. Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description
-103 multSourceInputErr Attempt to drive more than one signal onto another signal or
trigger line.
-104 lowScanIntervalErr The scan interval must be at least 2 µsec greater than the total
sample interval (for example, sampInterval * numChans, see
SCAN_Setup and SCAN_Start).
-105 noConnectionErr Attempt to disconnect a nonexistent RTSI connection.
-106 noPGInProg No pattern generation operation is currently in progress.
-107 PGInProg A pattern generation operation is already in progress.
-108 grpRateErr Pattern generation rates for the two groups cause a conflict when
both groups must use the output of a single onboard counter as a
counting source and the two groups require different outputs
from that counter.
-110 openFileErr Could not open the requested file.
-111 writeFileErr Could not write to the file.
-112 noDbWvfmErr No double-buffered waveform generation operation is currently
in progress.
-113 oldDataErr A double-buffered operation was halted as old data was
-114 dataNotAvailErr The amount of data requested by DAQ_Monitor has not yet
been acquired.
-115 DMATransferCntNotAvail Could not get a good reading from the DMA transfer count
-116 noLabScanErr No Lab-PC+, SCXI-1200, DAQPad-1200, DAQCard-700, or
PC-LPM-16 scanned data acquisition is in progress.
-117 dbOpErr Double-buffered operation is not permitted with DAQ_Op,
SCAN_Op, Lab_ISCAN_Op, or WFM_Op.
-118 DMADisabledErr Cannot execute the function if DMA is disabled.
-119 invalidConfigErr EISA system configuration invalid.
-120 brdIsArmedErr Board must be disarmed for call to work.
-121 clockSourceErr Source of scan clock signal must be consistent with call to
A2000_Config or MAI_Arm.
-122 noSetupErr MDAQ_Setup must be called before MDAQ_Start;
SCAN_Setup must be called before SCAN_Start.
-123 extConvDrvErr Cannot receive and drive external convert pin simultaneously.
-124 triggerSourceErr Cannot receive TRIGGER* over RTSI unless in pretrigger
-125 noArmErr Clock source is external and MAI_Arm has not been called
when MAI_Read is called.
-126 intDisabledErr Cannot execute the function if interrupts are disabled.
-128 noTrigEnabledErr A hardware trigger must be enabled when in pretrigger mode.
-129 digPortReserved Digital port is reserved for AMUX or SCXI communication.