Display/Hide Kneeboard: F10
(includes a complete list of key commands)
Pause P
Full Screen Mode (no menus or taskbar) ALT+ENTER
Display Menu Bar (in Full Screen Mode) ALT
Cycle Views
(Cockpit, Virtual Cockpit, Tower, Spot Plane)
Panel On/Off
Display/Hide Other Panel Windows
SHIFT+2 through SHIFT+9
Change Simulation Rate R (press + and – to increase/decrease)
Look Around
SHIFT+Num Pad 1 through 9
or move joystick hat switch
Display/Hide ATC menu ` (ACCENT)
Engine Autostart CTRL+E
Decrease Throttle F2
Increase Throttle F3
Decrease Propeller rpm CTRL+F2
Increase Propeller rpm CTRL+F3
Lean Mixture CTRL+SHIFT+F2
Enrich Mixture CTRL+SHIFT+F3
Landing Gear Up/Down G
Retract Flaps (in increments) F6
Extend Flaps (in increments) F7
Slew Mode On/Off Y