fill a specific section of memory, enter the starting and ending addresses, followed by the data
value you wish to fill them, separated by a comma. You do not need to enter a <CR>. For
example, “F1000, 2000,3”.
If you enter <CTRL+E> , the flash memory containing the exposure values is erased. All
Exposure Memory locations are set to FF.
Choice <M> runs a memory test. If no errors are found , the test indicates “OK” .
Otherwise, the test indicates “ERROR” and displays the addresses of the bad memory
locations. This test destroys the previous contents of the Exposure Memory.
If you enter <U> for “Load Uniform Exposure”, the prompt “Exposure Time (Pixels)”, will
appear. Enter a four-digit hexadecimal number greater than 1510 and no <CR> to represent
the time (in 200 nanosecond units) the camera takes to collect light.
If you enter <C> for “Load Exposure for One Camera”, the prompt “Camera Number”will
appear. Enter the number of a camera (such as 0,5, or 6) in your scanner. The next prompt is
“Exposure Time (Pixels)”. Enter the count (in 200 nanosecond units) that represents the time it
takes the camera to collect light.
The difference between the “U” and “C” commands is that the first affects all cameras equally
and the second affects one camera only.
If you enter <L> for “List Exposure Points”, the exposure locations in the Exposure Memory
are displayed. The exposure times are defined in units of the pixel clock.