
5.1.12 TEST I/O BOARD (C)
If you select <C> for “Test I/O Board”, the menu shown in figure 5-26 will be displayed. The
light and motor functions are controlled by the Video Board. The document sensors are
controlled by the CPU/IO board.
1 Turn Lights On
2 Turn Lights Off
3 Set Motor Speed
4 Start Motor
5 Stop Motor
6 Reverse Motor Direction
7 Sensor Test
X Exit
Choice :
Figure 5-26 I/O Board Test Menu
If you enter <1>, the image lamps will turn on, if you enter <2>, the lamps will turn off.
WARNING: Do not turn the lamps on and off rapidly using these commands.
The inrush current limiter on the lamp power supply will not protect the
supply if it is turned on immediately after it is turned off. The lamp fuse may
blow if you rapidly cycle the power.
Choice <3> allows you to set the motor speed used within this test. If no speed is specified a
default is used.
Choice <4> starts the motor. The rollers should begin turning. The motor will not run if the
scanner top cover is open.
Choice <5> stops the motor . The rollers should stop.
Choice <6> reverses the motor direction. If the motor is on, direction will reverse immediately.
If off, the direction will be reversed the next time <4> is selected.