
To provide a general overview of how the CF Series Scanner works, the remainder of this
section will discuss the various systems that comprise the scanner.
3.1.1 Scanner Control System
The CF Series Scanner may be controlled by the host computer, by the optional keypad
on the scanner itself, or a combination of the two.
Another option is the use of a separate "local terminal." Used primarily for diagnostic
purposes, this ANSI-type terminal takes the place of the host computer. It is the only means of
accessing the Diagnostics program.
Once initiated, the Central Processor (CPU) Board and the Camera Controller Board
(CCB) control the functions of the CF Series Scanner for the most part.
1. The CPU Board controls the general operations of the electronics of the scanner, contains
the firmware which operates the scanner, and other functions.
2. The Camera Controller Board (CCB) provides timing for all the other boards and handles
the merging of the input data from the cameras. Other functions include setting the
number of active cameras, the sequencing of the cameras, and document size. It also
sends data from the scanner to the host or optional interface board in on-line scanning.
3.1.2 Document Transport System
The document transport system is comprised of a motor driver, a stepper motor, a set of
pulleys, a set of belts, and two drive rollers. The Video Board controls the system. The motor
driver operates a stepper motor. The stepper motor turns a set of pulleys connected by belts.
The belts turn two drive rollers located on the bed of the scanner, which move the document past
the scan window.
1. The Video Board passes control signals to the motor driver and receives signals from the
document sensors.
2. The motor driver translates the control signals it receives from the Video Board.
3. The bi-directional stepping motor drives the document transport system.
4. A set of pulleys reduces the rpms.
5. Two timing belts connect the pulleys.