
AV8OR User’s Guide Automotive Mode Operation
Pub. No D200803000008 Page 4-3 Revision July 2008.
© Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of
This is the orientation in 2D map view mode and in Overview mode.
See also: Track-up map orientation.
Overview mode
You can instruct Go Drive to automatically switch to Overview mode
if the next route event is in a distance. In Overview mode the map is
shown in 2D but scaled down to a predefined zoom level. When you
approach the next route event, the previous 2D or 3D map view
returns automatically.
A route is a series of destinations to be reached one after the other.
A simple route contains one start point and only one destination.
Multi-point routes contain one or more via points (intermediate
destinations). The last route point is the final destination and the
route is cut into different legs (from one destination to the next).
Go Drive comes with different color schemes for the map for
daytime or night use. Schemes are custom graphic settings for the
map and they can have different colors for streets, blocks or surface
waters in 2D and 3D modes, and they display shades or shadows in
different ways in 3D mode.
One daytime scheme and one night scheme is always selected. Go
Drive uses them when it switches from day to night and back.
Track-up map orientation
In Track-up mode the map is rotated so its top always points in the
current driving direction. This is the default orientation in 3D map
view mode. See also: North-up map orientation.
Road Safety Camera
A special POI type exists for speed cameras and red light cameras.
Different data sources are available, and you can also mark the
position of a Road Safety Camera on the map.
You can configure Go Drive to warn you when you approach one of
these cameras.