
Condensate Drain
To facilitate condensate removal, the air handler should be
pitched 1/4” towards the drain in both directions. The drain
line contains cold water and should be insulated in uncondi-
tioned spaces to avoid drain line condensation from drip-
ping on ceiling, etc. The drain pan has a primary and aux-
iliary drain connection. The air handler drain connections
must be connected to a drain line and pitched away from
the unit a minimum of 1/8” per foot to allow the condensate
to flow away from the air handler. A trap must be installed
in the drain line below the bottom of the drain pan to en-
sure free condensate flow (units are not internally trapped).
The primary condensate drain must be terminated to an
open drain or sump. Do not connect the condensate drain
to a closed waste system. An open vertical air vent should
be installed to overcome line length, friction and static pres-
sure. It is recommended that the auxiliary drain be connect-
ed to a drain line for all units. The auxiliary drain should be
run to an area where the homeowner will notice it draining.
The drain line should not be smaller than the drain connec-
tion at the condensate pan. If the air handler is located in
an unconditioned space, water in the trap may freeze. It is
recommended that the trap material be of a type that will
allow for expansion of water when it freezes. Drain lines
must be in conformance with local codes.
Air Handler Configuration
The Envision Air Handler is factory configured for upflow
and horizontal left hand air discharge installation (Figure 1).
For bottomflow or horizontal right hand discharge, certain
field modifications are required.
Warning: Do not lift or reposition the ‘A’ coil by grasping
the copper tube header or distributor. This could cause a
tubing fracture resulting in a refrigerant leak.
General Installation Information
Figure 1 - Factory configuration is top discharge and
horizontal left hand air discharge.