
4.3.3. XFC-S, XFC 225, XFC 1000
The XFC 225 and XFC 1000 safety filters feature compressed air blowback. The XFC-S
safety filter is available with either compressed air blowback or implosion blowback. The
blowback solenoids are controlled by either distributed or local I/O central conveying
controllers. An integrated blowback controller is available for compressed air models.
Electrical connections vary depending on the type of blowback and controller:
Local I/O Control. (Compressed air or implosion blowback) The solenoid is pre-wired.
Attach the solenoid wire to the termination point in the central conveying controller. Refer
to the manual and drawings that are provided with the conveying control for the location
of the blowback solenoids.
Distributed I/O Control. (Compressed Air or implosion blowback) The solenoid is prewired
with a patchcord that will plug into the ArmorBlock module. Refer to the installation drawing
provided with the unit.
Integrated Control. (Compressed air blowback only) The solenoid is pre-wired. Choose
a location for the blowback controller, and terminate the wires in the controller using the
blowback control drawings that are included with the unit.
4.4. Compressed Air Blowback Connection
To provide proper filter element cleaning, the compressed air supply must be regulated to 80 PSI
(5.5 bars). Low air pressure will cause poor filter element cleaning. Air consumption depends on
the frequency and length of cleaning air pulses into the filter element.
Connect a minimum of 3/8” (9 mm) air line to the top of the solenoid valve air block.
Compressed air must be clean, dry, and free of oil. A filter regulator and shut-off are
recommended components of your in-plant air supply. In-line filters can handle small amounts of
moisture; in-line desiccant filters or packed beds of granular absorbing polymer can remove oil
mist and condensed oil.
You may need to install an accumulator in your air supply system to enhance blowback
effectiveness if your system cannot consistently meet these requirements. Make sure you use full-
sized 3/8” or larger diameter pipe or tubing when making the connection.