
BLN1-600A Chapter 7: Appendix 101 of 116
Advanced Weight Options Screen and Feeder Calibration Setup
WEIGHT FILTER: The number of loadcell samples to be averaged when determining
MAX TARE OFFSET: Maximum allowed weight remaining in weigh hopper after dumping
before “Calibration Error Alarm”.
WEIGHT/SEC FILTER: This is only used if the “Weight Per Second Buffer” is off. This is
a weighted median filter that will dampen changes to the Weight /Sec value of each feeder.
Increasing this will dampen the change.
WEIGHT PER SECOND BUFFER: When enabled the blender analyzes 3 consecutive
batches “Weight/Sec” measured values. If these 3 are within the “Allowed Deviation for
Stable Flag” (“Feeder Calibration Setup Page”) then the measurements are considered stable.
If the blender has went through a certain number of batches without stabilizing (“Unstable
Alarm Limit” on “Feeder Calibration Setup Page”) then an “Unstable Alarm” will occur for
that feeder. The 3 measurements are averaged to come up with the “Wt/Sec” value (“Feeder
Calibration Page”). This is then used when calculating the metering time for that ingredient.
When this feature is disabled then every feed calculates a new Wt/Sec value that is then
weighted using the Weight/Sec Filter in order to smooth out changes.
% ABOVE BATCH SIZE FOR MAX WEIGHT ALARM: This is the trigger point above the
batch size that will initiate a “Hopper Over Max Alarm”. This is designed to prevent the
weigh hopper from being overfilled volume wise. Care should be taken when adjusting the
batch size of this parameter to make sure that they are appropriate.
BATCH DUMP SETTLE TIME: Amount of time to weight after batch door is closed before
taking weight snapshot.
LOADCELL SAMPLE TIME: The sample time for each weight snapshot. It is important
that the mechanical settle time for each feeder be longer than WEIGHT FILTER *
LOADCELL SAMPLE TIME. For instance if the defaults are used then you end up with 5 *
.5 seconds = 2.5 seconds. Therefore 3 seconds is the absolute shortest settle time you can
have for each feeder (under MECHANICAL OPTIONS).
SIMULATION: Simulation is only used for Demo purposes and should not be turned on for
normal blender operation. When enabled this allows a user to practice using the controller as
if it were attached to an actual blender. A PLC is required for this simulation.
PRINT WEIGHT DATA EVERY BATCH: The blender’s touch screen has a serial printer
port that you can connect a serial ASCII printer to. The data that is dumped to a printer is the
same data shown on the Recipe Screen. No averaging is done with the data shown to the
Customer. Targets vs. Actual are actually what is in the batch.