APC by Schneider Electric
Data Center Grade Three Phase Uninterruptible Power Supply
Parallel Module - Guide Specifications
40-130 kVA UPS
This specification describes a three-phase, on-line, double conversion, solid state Uninterruptible
Power System hereafter referred to as the UPS. The UPS shall operate in conjunction with the
existing building electrical system to provide high quality power conditioning, back-up power
protection and distribution for electronic equipment loads. The system shall consist of a solid state
IGBT rectifier/inverter, power factor corrected rectifier, a 100% rated for continuous duty static
switch, battery plant, graphical status/control panel, and synchronizing circuitry as described herein.
The UPS shall meet the requirements of the following standards:
A. UL listed under 1778, standards for uninterruptible power supply equipment
B. UL Canada (cUL)
C. FCC rules and regulations of part 15, subpart J, class A
D. IEC 1004/ANSI C62.41 Standards for Surge Withstand Ability
E. ISO 9001
F. The UPS shall be designed in accordance with the applicable sections of the documents
published by:
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)/National Electric Code (NEC)
National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA) & (NEMA PE 1)
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Submittals shall contain the following documentation:
A. Installation Package: Complete electrical characteristics and connection requirements.
Provide detailed equipment outlines with cabinet dimensions and spacing requirements;
location of conduit entry/exit paths; location of floor/seismic mounting; available battery
types/sizes; all cabinet weights; heat rejection and air flow requirements; single-line diagram;
control and external wiring.
B. Product Data: Provide catalog sheets and technical data sheets to indicate physical data and
electrical performance, electrical characteristics, and connection requirements.
C. Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of
use stipulated by Product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection,
examination, preparation, installation, and starting of Product. Include equipment installation
APC – MGE Galaxy 5000 Specification (60Hz) 1
Effective: June 1, 2008 REV X0 JJG
Parallel Module