Electrophoresis Imaging Products
11,000 Specialty Products to Enhance Your Bioresearch
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Table of
The Polaroid DS-34 is a fixed focal length camera with a
variety of hood options, permitting photography of a wide
range of image areas without a darkroom.
The hoods contain lenses of calibrated diopters which set
the focal length to accommodate the image area, resulting
in sharp pictures without focusing. A set of threaded glass
filters for lens mounting is also available. They combine
with any of the transilluminators to make an instant photo
documentation system.
Catalog No. $ Product
BS4 68-0892 791.00 DS-34 Polaroid Instant Camera
BS4 68-0893 120.00 Camera Hood for 7.6 x 10.2 cm
(3 x 4 in) Gel
BS4 68-0894 129.00 Camera Hood for 10.2 x 12.7 cm
(4 x 5 in) Gel
BS4 68-0895 158.00 Camera Hood for 10.2 x 15.24 cm
(4 x 6 in) Gel
BS4 68-0896 158.00 Camera Hood for 12.7 x 17.8 cm
(5 x 7 in) Gel
BS4 68-0897 178.00
Camera Hood for 15.24 x 22.9 cm
(6 x 9 in) Gel
BS4 68-0898 178.00 Camera Hood for 17.8 x 22.9 cm
(7 x 9 in) Gel
BS4 68-0899 210.00 Camera Hood for 20.3 x 25.4 cm
(8 x 10 in) Gel
BS4 68-0900-XX 82.00 *Hood Mounting Plate for DS-34
Camera (Standard)
BS4 68-0901-XX 69.00 *Hood Mounting Plate for DS-34
Camera (Mid Size)
BS4 68-0902 60.00 Hood Mounting Plate for DS-34
Camera (Mini)
BS4 68-0903 76.00 Filter Kit DS-34 Electrophoresis (#8
Yellow, #15 Orange/Yellow, #58 Green)
* Note:
XX will indicate hood cut out.
Hood Camera
Polaroid Camera and Spot Pickers
OneTouch Manual Spot Picker for 2D Gels
This New OneTouch Spot Picker is designed to effortlessly excise bands from 2D
gels and dispense them into microtitre plates or tubes. No more cumbersome
scalpels or blades and no more gel cutting! Simply find the band you want, press
down, and the band will be cleanly removed from the gel.
Catalog No. $ Product
BS4 72-6590 139.00 OneTouch 2D Gel Spot Picker, 1.5 mm
BS4 72-6591 139.00 OneTouch 2D Gel Spot Picker, 3.0 mm
BS4 72-6592 139.00 OneTouch 2D Gel Spot Picker, 5.0 mm
• Quick and easily remove bands
from 2D gels
• Available in 3 sizes
• Permits photography of a wide range of images
without dark room
OneTouch Plus Spot Picker with Disposable Tips
This New OneTouch Plus Spot Picker excises bands from polyacrylamide or
agarose 2D gels and dispenses them into microtitre plates or tubes in one
motion. The OneTouch Plus uses disposable tips to avoid contamination between
samples. The unit uses specially designed thin walled, sharp tips with floating
filters to eject the gel plug from the tip. Available in 1.5 mm and 3.0 mm
diameters. Tips are packaged in 10 racks of 96 tips.
Catalog No. $ Product
BS4 72-6593 215.00 Onetouch Plus Spot Picker Disposable, 1.5 mm
BS4 72-6594 215.00 Onetouch Plus Spot Picker Disposable, 3.0 mm
BS4 72-6595 85.00 Tips for OneTouch Plus Band Picker, 1.5 mm
BS4 72-6596 85.00 Tips for OneTouch Plus Band Picker, 3.0 mm
• Quick and easily remove and
dispense bands from gels
• Available in 2 sizes with
disposable tips
PowerPicker 1D Band Picker
This PowerPicker 1D Band Picker is ideal for the removal of 1D bands from acry-
lamide and agarose gels. The PowerPicker is constructed of electropassivated
surgical grade stainless steel. The cutter is 5 mm x 1.5 mm, roughly the size of a
band in a 1D gel lane.
alog No.
BS4 72-6597 159.00 PowerPicker 1D Gel Band Picker
Quick and easily excise bands from
1D gels