Philips PLUS T8 U-Bent
Lamps featuring ALTO
Lamp Technology
Extend your relamping cycles
Philips PLUS T8 U-Bent Lamps are environmentally-
responsible lamps that offer long life and low mercury.
Long life
• Reduce your maintenance costs and meet your annual
budget by extending your relamping cycle
• PLUS 32WT8 U-Bent has the longest rated average
life in the industry
• 25% longer life than standard 32WT8 U-Bent
• Warranty period: 30 months
Sustainable lighting solution
• Low mercury, which reduces the impact to the environment
• Long life for increased savings on maintenance and recycling costs
Ideal for locations already using 32WT8 lamps
* The PLUS 32WT8 has a rated average lifeof 30,000 hours compared to an industry standard
4'T8 32W U-Bent lamp with 24,000hours rated average life (12 hrs per start on an instant start ballast
with 2800 lumens and85 CRI)
Ideal for applications
requiring longer life
†Thislampis better for theenvironmentbecauseof
itsreducedmercury content.All PhilipsALTO
lamps give youend-of-life optionswhich cansimplify