Make sure that the headset goes over the top
of your head, not around the back of your
head. Position the microphone about one
inch (2.54 cm) from your mouth and o to one
3 Start your game or chat and turn the
volume up to a comfortable level.
Warning: Extended exposure to high volumes
when using a headset may result in temporary
or permanent hearing loss.
To mute the 360 Chat Headset:
• Slide the mute switch on the in line
Package contents
• 360 Chat Headset
• Quick Setup Guide
Using your headset
1 Turn down the volume on the 360 Chat
Headset in-line control by rotating the
volume control all the way down. Insert
the 2.5 mm headset connector into the
controller expansion port at the bottom
of your game controller.
2 Put on the 360 Chat
Headset and
adjust the
microphone to
your preferred
Note: Correct
placement of the
headset and microphone is
critical to using your headset
Quick Setup Guide
Xbox 360® Chat Headset
Before using your new product, please read these
instructions to prevent any damage.